View Full Version : 1000 Piatres (1948) - Loại không lưu hành

29-11-2009, 19:57
1000 Piatres (1948)
The attractive stories about this noteThe 1000 Piastres notes, valued 17000 francs, were printed in 1951. When carrying money to Indochina to issue,
the ship was attacked by pirates at Marseille Sea and all the money was lost. French Government had to announce stopping the issue of 1000 Piastres notes on over Indochina, anyone who had that note would be arrested and that note would be taken back. After 40 years, in 1991, French Government announced that they have taken back all notes, and it’s really a highly endeavor of them. Now, there are just a few specimens are known all over the world.
Another story, when carrying from Marseille to Vietnam, a large number of this note was stolen. French Government had to stop issuing it. Anyway, this is the extremely note with history meaning, with valued

meaning, and it deserves having a solemn place in your collection. Specimen par perforation SPECIMEN centrale et numeros O.000/000.
Numero de caissier 5 en rouge au verso.
Emile Minost/Jean Laurent
leger pli central

1000 Piatres (1948) - SPECIMEN No 170
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19-12-2009, 09:32
Đông này đẹp quá!

30-12-2009, 09:40
Sao "ong chu nho" cua toi lai co nhung to tien doc dao the nay?
Chac anh phai choi tien mat!

30-12-2009, 21:57
:) anh LDV mà bước vào lĩnh vực này chắc YB về quê chăn vịt quá.cũng đang định tham gia vào lĩnh vực Card đt của anh, mong anh chỉ giáo thêm cho.Hiện nay em đang ở Sing để họp cổ đông, chắc ngày 4/01 này sẽ về kịp để gặp anh.Chúc anh ngày mới an lành.