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Cũ 15-07-2013, 01:28
The smaller dragon's Avatar
The smaller dragon The smaller dragon vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Chia sẻ thông tin mới nhất liên hệ đến Dieulefils. Nhờ Vaputin mách bảo nguồn tin, tôi có gửi một điện thư hỏi về sách ảnh Dieulefils do T. Vincent ấn hành. Thực ra, tôi đã có sách này với chữ ký tác gỉa, nhưng sách đã được gửi tặng bác Lê Ðức Vân như một món quà tri ngộ khi được bác Vân và các bạn tem tiếp đãi nồng hậu tại Hà Nội năm 2011. Con cháu Dieulefils đã trả lời tôi, lời lẽ xấc xược nên tôi đã nhẹ nhàng nhắc nhở anh ta, nay chia sẻ với anh chị em trong VietStamp

Le 13 juil. 2013 à 23:14, <att411@comcast.net> a écrit:
Fortunately, I have happened to know your website. I am looking for a book about Dieulefils's postal cards by T. Vincent. Would you help me to acquire one?
Many thanks in advance.
Anh-Tuan Tran

From : Lionel Labastire <lionlab123@icloud.com>
Subject : Re: Books about Dieulefils
To : att411@comcast.net
Sun, Jul 14, 2013 06:41 AM
Good morning,
I wonder why you are sending this message to my private e mail and how you got it in the first place! Having said that, this book has not been available for some years (limited edition) and therefore You should try to find it on market places like Ebay or similar. There will be no re edition of this book as this would require my permission.
Best regards

From : att411@comcast.net
Subject : Re: Books about Dieulefils
To : Lionel Labastire <lionlab123@icloud.com>
Sun, Jul 14, 2013 03:20 PM
Good morning,
I am being surprised that you were surprised! If you would like to keep something private, then you should never create a website for the world to look at! Understand?
Secondly, I have asked you about a book relating to Dieulefils authored by another person. And I am now wondering how should the author need your permission to reprint it?!
Anyhow, thanks for your reply.
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