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Cũ 11-01-2009, 03:02
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Alex_iv Alex_iv vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Mặc định Unissued stamps of South Vietnam

Dear friends,
Maybe someone know is it possible to get in Vietnam (Saigon) unissued South Vietnam stamps?
Actually i'm interested in more than 21 of them which are exists according to information of Indochina Philatelists Society. I have 21 of unissued South Vietnam stamps and if anyone can provide information or link where can i know more information about these stamps i will be very grateful and actually i think it will be interesting to other serious collectors

1. so, first, how many stamps were printed? if possible tell please circualtion of each stamp.
2. What is estimated price in Vietnam?
3. How serious vietnamese collectors think about these stamps? Possible fakes (forgeries)?

I gladly will talk about this topic to anyone who can say something interesting

Hope for an answer

here i provide a scan of the stamps i have

Name:  21unissued.jpg
Views: 836
Size:  126.6 KB
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zodiac (12-01-2009)
Cũ 11-01-2009, 06:04
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congacon congacon vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Dear Alex .
Unissued stamps of S. Vietnam ...they have more than 21 stamps ....you can go to this link below and you have to register as a member to see all the scans ..as a guest you cant' .
Best Regards


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Alex_iv (12-01-2009)
Cũ 11-01-2009, 21:46
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Alex_iv Alex_iv vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Thanks a lot for the info, i will try to look there
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Cũ 11-01-2009, 22:00
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Alex_iv Alex_iv vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Ngày tham gia: 24-12-2008
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Bài Viết : 163
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Mặc định

I looked through Interesting. I think i saw some others in the Indochina Philatelists Society also. But can you tell please í it posible to get in Vietnam mỏe than these 21 stamps? What is estimated price? How expensive are imperforated ones?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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Cũ 28-01-2009, 09:14
THE GUEST THE GUEST vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Nguyên văn bởi Alex_iv Xem Bài
I looked through Interesting. I think i saw some others in the Indochina Philatelists Society also. But can you tell please if it pósible to get in Vietnam more than these 21 stamps? What is estimated price? How expensive are imperforated ones?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Dear Mr. Alex,

Your 21 unissued stamps (perforated) of RVN as shown above are common and okay to almost collectors. They're found (but gone out from warehouse of Saigon Post Office some years later) after Saigon was changed its national flag color. Mentioning to more than the 21 stamps, it's about 25 or over imperforated stamps with limited quantity were found and stolen to sell out when there was a warehouse moving from the Saigon Post Office to a new company. They are only proofs for the issue plan in the year of 1975. I think we cannot call them unissued stamps but proofs.

In Vietnam, you cannot find to buy such stamps. All are in hands of collectors who are living abroad. When those stamps were still in Vietnam 10 years ago, price was about U$6,000-7,000 for a group of 20-25 stamps. Now, price might be 3-4 times. However, if you were millionaire you could not buy at any price. That's a fact of rare items.

So, 21 unissued stamps are okay for a collection of RVN. Please do not think you do not have enough.

Best regards,

Tran Trong Khai
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2 Thành viên sau đây nói lời CẢM ƠN bạn THE GUEST vì đã gửi Bài viết hữu ích này:
Alex_iv (28-01-2009), hat_de (28-01-2009)
Cũ 28-01-2009, 16:17
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Alex_iv Alex_iv vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Ngày tham gia: 24-12-2008
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Bài Viết : 163
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Hello Tran Trong Khai!
Thank you very much for your reply and opinion. I actually bought some of these "typical" unissued stamps in Saigon back in 2005. But it was actually only 3 stamps. So i thought maybe something else still possible to find in Saigon.
I actually think that maybe it's possible to buy other "proofs" stamps not that much but as you mentioned - yes, first problem i'm not a millionaire at all Second - if you buy form Ebay is very big possibility of a forgery. Expecially for such stamps...

In general for rare stamps i think price will be higher in Vietnam than abroad, right?

And if you (or someone else) could answer - can you please tell me is it possible to buy from vietnamese collectors stamps of Central Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh overprints? One of my colleagues ask for it. What can be the price?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best wishes,
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2 Thành viên sau đây nói lời CẢM ƠN bạn Alex_iv vì đã gửi Bài viết hữu ích này:
hat_de (28-01-2009), THE GUEST (31-01-2009)
Cũ 31-01-2009, 05:46
THE GUEST THE GUEST vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Nguyên văn bởi Alex_iv Xem Bài
Hello Tran Trong Khai!
Thank you very much for your reply and opinion. I actually bought some of these "typical" unissued stamps in Saigon back in 2005. But it was actually only 3 stamps. So i thought maybe something else still possible to find in Saigon.
I actually think that maybe it's possible to buy other "proofs" stamps not that much but as you mentioned - yes, first problem i'm not a millionaire at all Second - if you buy form Ebay is very big possibility of a forgery. Expecially for such stamps...

In general for rare stamps i think price will be higher in Vietnam than abroad, right?

And if you (or someone else) could answer - can you please tell me is it possible to buy from vietnamese collectors stamps of Central Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh overprints? One of my colleagues ask for it. What can be the price?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best wishes,

I do not agree fully with you that price of rare stamps will be higher in Vietnam than abroad. I think it depends you buy rare stamps from dealers or from collectors. It depends who needs or who buys, price might be high or not high. But there is a fact that there are many potential buyers in Vietnam now and there are many rare stamps coming back from abroad to be sold to Vietnamese collectors in the country.

Please check this stamp if you means it is stamp of "Central - Ho Chi Minh overprint".

Name:  x.jpg
Views: 718
Size:  27.8 KB

B rgds,

TT Khai
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2 Thành viên sau đây nói lời CẢM ƠN bạn THE GUEST vì đã gửi Bài viết hữu ích này:
Alex_iv (31-01-2009), hat_de (31-01-2009)
Cũ 31-01-2009, 19:42
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Alex_iv Alex_iv vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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I didnt mean that i sure that price in Vietnam is higher. I just assumed. Actually i wish i wrong Because for me it will be easier later to buy stamps i need or exchange them in Saigon than buy from eBay for example.

As for stamp you show - yes, my colleague here and me have interest in such issues. Do you have it for sale? Or maybe you know someone who is interested to name a price for it?
thanks in advance!

best wishes,
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2 Thành viên sau đây nói lời CẢM ƠN bạn Alex_iv vì đã gửi Bài viết hữu ích này:
hat_de (31-01-2009), THE GUEST (31-01-2009)
Cũ 31-01-2009, 20:01
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vnmission vnmission vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
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Trích dẫn:
Nguyên văn bởi Trần Trọng Khải Xem Bài
Please check this stamp
Bác Khải ơi, em chưa có tem này!
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Thành viên sau đây nói lời CẢM ƠN bạn vnmission vì đã gửi Bài viết hữu ích này:
hat_de (31-01-2009)
Cũ 31-01-2009, 21:33
THE GUEST THE GUEST vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn
Tem Không Răng
Ngày tham gia: 11-01-2009
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Nguyên văn bởi vnmission Xem Bài
Bác Khải ơi, em chưa có tem này!
Con tem chỉ dùng lấy hình minh họa thui vì không rỏ nghĩa của câu từ "Central- Ho Chi Minh overprinted" chứ K chỉ còn lại đúng 2 tem loại đấy để đi "diễu hành" Vietstampex" 2010 (nếu may mắn)
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hat_de (31-01-2009)
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