16-12-2007, 02:06
Phó Chủ nhiệm, Phó Ban Biên tập - CLB VIET STAMP
Ngày tham gia: 02-09-2007
Đến từ: Http://ischemiamd.com
Bài Viết
: 2,539
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Some notices when posting threads in this forum (Vietnamese forum)
Typing error
When you foreigners post here, you can meet some errors when typing English because the forum was set in Telex style as the default (a Vietnamese typing).
You should turn off the Vietnamese mode before you type English.
In the main page of the forum www.vietstamp.net/forum, please see the Vietnamese mode on the status bar at the left bottom of the screen. Please click F12 to turn off the Vietnamese mode so that you can type English normally.
Bài được *VietStamp* sửa đổi lần cuối vào ngày 16-12-2007, lúc 22:36